Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 ****This is one of my old posts that I am leaving up.  It has earned its place on the Interwebs             

 Simple pleasures mean the most to me.  Driving down a country highway just as the leaves and air are turning.  Breathing in the smell of wood fires.  Cuddling in my room in my favorite yellow sweater with the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack playing.  Hayrides and dressing-up frolicks. Thick, rich literature dripping with beautiful imagery and heartfelt dialogue, the pages worn and full of that old book smell…
          I love fall.  I love it like an old friend, for that is what it is to me.  It comes after a long and hot summer, just as I am beginning to fear nothing will ever be the same, there it is.  It feels like a hug from behind, a kiss on the cheek, a song that floats to you on the wind that makes you suddenly sink back into the world and begin to see everything in a sunnier, more romantic, more meaningful light, and you’re not sure whether to smile or cry, so you do both.
          There is a sense of stability about autumn, and yet every year brings new adventures, new lessons, creates new memories.  It is predictable in its unpredictability. 
          I can sing in the fall.  I can be quiet.  I don’t usually talk much unless it’s to be reflective.  I might write.  I might draw.  I will surely dance, but not for anyone else.  The things I do in autumn are purely to revive myself, to reawaken that bit of magic that July and August have worn away. 
          Magic to me will always smell like a pile of leaves.  Wonder will be the birds flying south.  Joy will be the taste of a crunchy apple that’s just red enough not to be considered yellow.  And love…love will be skipping down the path hand in hand with my best friend. 
          Because simple pleasures mean the most to me. 

                                       Until next time,
                                                           Rosie Jane

Thursday, July 10, 2014


****This is one of my old posts that I am leaving up.  It has earned its place on the Interwebs.

{You are enough.  You are so enough.  It is unbelievable how enough you are.   – Sierra Boggess}

          How many of you, by show of hands, would say that you like yourself?  I mean everything about yourself?  You think that right now, in this moment, you are completely okay?

          How many of you have someone in your mind that you think of as the perfect person – the person you wish you could be? 
 “If only I had her hair…"
"his confidence…:
"their smarts…"
"her talent…"
"...then people would like me.”

          Can I tell you something? 

          I like you.

          I do.  I like you.  You specifically.  Why?  Because you are just like that one person you admire?  Because you are infallible and always do the right thing?  Because you look just like the girls in the movies, and always have the right words to say?

          How boring would that be?

          I like you because you are you.  You are unique.  You are special.  You are beautiful in every way possible, no matter what you may think when you look in the all-assessing mirror.

          And here’s a little something to think about – you get a new chance to be your best self every single day.  As my good imaginary friend Anne of Green Gables put it, “Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it.”           Every morning, every hour, every minute is a new chance.  Don’t dwell on the past.  Don’t worry about the future.  Be who you are right now.

          Can I let you in on a big secret?

          I don’t always like myself either.  I’ll say something awkward and then for days afterward I’ll beat myself up about it.  There are many days I look in the mirror and I hate what I see. 

          “Oh my word, did I really say that?  Come on, Rosie.  You can do better.”

          “Why did I have to suck my thumb for so long as a kid?  Now my teeth are crooked.  Ew…”

          “I can’t believe I was so rude to that person.”

          “What is wrong with me?”

          It was especially bad in middle school.  I guess that’s the time everyone gets it.  It’s the time you start to notice other people, and notice that they notice you.  You want to be noticed but you don’t want to stick out and sometimes you just want to be invisible unless you really want to be seen….

          It’s confusing.

          Life is that way.  And for that very reason we fear it.  We fear living to our full potential, because what if we fail at the exact moment everyone is looking at us?

          When that happens, we must remind ourselves that no one is perfect.  We must remember that life goes on. 
          So look in that mirror, and repeat after me:

          You are enough.  You are so enough.  It is unbelievable how enough you are.


From Lamentations 3

21 Yet this I call to mind     and therefore I have hope:

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,     for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning;     great is your faithfulness.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Why I Want To Marry Superman

****This is one of my old posts that I am leaving up.  It has earned its place on the Interwebs.

Tall.  Muscular.  Handsome.  Curly black hair, stunning eyes, squared-off jawline.  That shy, winning smile, deep, kind eyes...  Ability to fly to boot!  Who wouldn't want to marry Superman?

 But though all the aforementioned reasons do apply to yours truly, my real reasons behind this statement are somewhat different.

   Superman is patient.  Even when the world is collapsing around him or people are being difficult, he shows a calm spirit toward everything.

Superman is kind.  Not just nice, or polite.  He truly cares for those he comes in contact with, whether he knows them or not.  He reassures those who are frightened, comforts those who are in despair, protects those who are vulnerable.  He is compassionate and considerate and will stop at nothing to protect the people he loves.  He wants the best for everyone, and is always trying to provide the best for them.

  Superman is humble.  For all the amazing things he does, he does not ask for any accolades or glory.  He is content to do what is right, and while he appreciates a thank you, he will never demand recognition.

 Superman is a gentleman.  I'm willing to bet that if I met him on the street, he would open any doors I needed to go through, carry some of my grocery bags, allow me to go first, or offer me his hand to help me up if I fell.  Not because I am incapable of doing these things myself, but simply out of respect, and out of the goodness in his heart.
 Superman is selfless.  He is willing to give his life for the sake of someone else.  No matter the personal consequences, no matter how idiotic it may seem to those around him, he will take whatever leap of faith necessary to ensure that they are safe and provided for.
Superman is manly.  Yes, he can be violent.  Yes, he can get angry.  And he does so for good reason - and good reasons only.  He knows how to pick a fight, and when he does, he fights with all he has.  He is not easily angered, and he doesn't hold grudges.  When there's a problem, he deals with it.  He is strong both mentally and physically, and mature enough to know when to negotiate and when to break out the big guns.  (Speaking of guns: Those biceps though...)

 Superman is noble.  He keeps himself away from anything that might distract him from his purpose.  He knows how to live well.  He is happiest when all is well - when he can stop and spend time with those he loves most.  He wants such a life for everyone, which is why he constantly sacrifices his own times of peace to protect others.

 Superman is trusting and trustworthy.  He is not naive, but is willing to give even the worst person a second chance.
   Superman always holds on to hope even in the darkest of moments.
  Superman never gives up.  And since you only fail when you stop trying...Superman never fails.

     In short, Superman is the embodiment of Love as described in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

    "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others,it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails."

           Who wouldn't want to marry Superman?

                                                                Until next time
                                                                                      Rosie Jane


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Just Around The Corner

****This is one of my old posts that I am leaving up.  It has earned its place on the Interwebs.

 I always tell myself that my true love is right around the corner.  He's waiting in some coffee shop or studying hard in his room.  Maybe he's out for a walk or a run, or in some park playing his guitar.  He plays guitar, I know, because that's how I always imagine him.  He's wearing a silver purity ring on his left ring finger.  And he's thinking about me.
   That's what I always tell myself.  Soon...soon you'll run into him, and after exchanging awkward "Sorry...my fault..."s, our eyes will meet and....
   I picture it like this.  I'm walking down the sidewalk on a bright sunny day - a Wednesday.  Why Wednesday? I have no idea, but that's what I imagine.  So this Wednesday might start off horribly.  I slept through my alarm, was ten minutes late for work after eating dry toast on the way to work (I abhor toast), and now I'm run-walking down the sidewalk for no discernible reason, hungry and flustered, looking for a place to sit down and eat when - CRASH - papers fly, glasses fall to the pavement, and pigeons quickly gather in hopes of an easy meal.
   "Sorry...my fault..." we say in unison.  He helps in gathering up my papers, and after a few moments our hands both go for the glasses - his.
    Our eyes meet for a moment, and I relinquish my grip.  He slips on his specs, and that's when it happens.  We look at each other for the first time.  I'm, of course, blown away by his eyes.  More specifically, those little crow feet that form every time he smiles.
   He's smiling at me.  I smile back.  He helps me to my feet and we stand there for a moment, laughing and making introductions.  He says my name in a way no one else can, and we walk and talk from there to the nearest cafe.  (Are you getting the feeling that I listen to too much Taylor Swift?  Because you would be correct in that.)
    I keep waiting for that Wednesday, telling myself it's not that far away.  The thing is, I really want someday to be today.  I want to meet him now.  I get lonely and daydreamy and I want a real, living, breathing person to daydream about, not just some figment of my imagination.
   But even if I have met him already, now would probably not be the best time to find out.
  So I suppose I'll just have to keep run-walking down the sidewalk, scarfing toast and turning corners until suddenly, one day....
                   Oh!  Sorry....my fault....


Friday, May 2, 2014

Bigger Than It All

****This is one of my old posts that I am leaving up.  It has earned its place on the Interwebs.

 Do you ever have days when you just feel small?  Like you just want to be a little kid again and you don't feel brave enough or smart enough or pretty enough to do anything?
   It's been a few days since I've written.  I've been waiting for one of those 'aha' moments that usually set me going on one of my flowery, glowing entries that you all seem to be fond of.  It just hasn't happened.
    Why? Because I've been feeling very small this week.
    Part of it is just the fact that it's been raining cats and dogs and I've done a lot of snuggling with my comforter and a mug of tea.
 The other part is that I realized that I will no longer be living at home in a year.  The hourglass that I've imagined as half-full for so long suddenly looks almost empty, and I'm not sure if I'm ready.
  Yes, I'm a straight A student.  Yes, I am a pretty confident person.  No, I'm not afraid of new places or new people.  But it's that faceless fear that still stirs in the back of your mind that's been doing a lot of messing with my mind and soul lately.  Will I keep my good grades or will I flop out?  Will anyone like me where I'm going?  What if I decide on the wrong path and end up doing something that I hate?
   Other questions arise - will I be able to rise to the challenge of doing something that doesn't come naturally?  Will I be able to hold a job, maintain a marriage, raise a family?  Dreaming and finding beauty and smelling roses has its place, but the real adult world seems to be rushing up on me, ready to swallow me whole.

   That is what I mean when I say I feel small.  I feel exposed and unprepared, even though I've been being prepared my whole life.   I'm scared, and who wouldn't be?
   I want the world to love me, but I know it won't.  I want people to like me, but odds are I'll have a lot of fake friends and real enemies.  I long to be kept safe and happy and cared for, but I'm no longer a child.  The time has come to give up my teddy bear and start wrestling for every meal, every gallon of gas, every light bulb and load of laundry.
    Reality is terrifying.  Growing up looks terrifying, too - at least right now.  It looks like I'm sailing straight into a storm, and I can't avoid it, and I'm scared to death my little boat will be ripped to pieces.
   Won't someone bigger, faster, smarter, stronger, come and tell me it's okay?

   And yet....
   Even in all this eminent chaos, I have this inexplicable, calming peace.  On my own, I know I don't stand a chance.  But I do have someone on my team who knows what's coming down the road.  He knows the right way to do things, and He's willing to show it to me if only I will stop being stubborn and actually listen to what He has to say.  He is stronger than the most dastardly enemy, devastating tragedy, frustrating failure...
   I'm going to be okay.  Even in the storm, He will hold my little boat together, and guide me toward a brighter, better shore.
   You see, I know that even though everything is so much bigger than I am, God is bigger than it all.



      Matthew 6: 25-27, 33&34.

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worryf about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.g Are you not much more valuable than they?h 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your lifee?i
V. 33&34
 33 But seek first his kingdomm and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.n 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.