Thursday, July 10, 2014


****This is one of my old posts that I am leaving up.  It has earned its place on the Interwebs.

{You are enough.  You are so enough.  It is unbelievable how enough you are.   – Sierra Boggess}

          How many of you, by show of hands, would say that you like yourself?  I mean everything about yourself?  You think that right now, in this moment, you are completely okay?

          How many of you have someone in your mind that you think of as the perfect person – the person you wish you could be? 
 “If only I had her hair…"
"his confidence…:
"their smarts…"
"her talent…"
"...then people would like me.”

          Can I tell you something? 

          I like you.

          I do.  I like you.  You specifically.  Why?  Because you are just like that one person you admire?  Because you are infallible and always do the right thing?  Because you look just like the girls in the movies, and always have the right words to say?

          How boring would that be?

          I like you because you are you.  You are unique.  You are special.  You are beautiful in every way possible, no matter what you may think when you look in the all-assessing mirror.

          And here’s a little something to think about – you get a new chance to be your best self every single day.  As my good imaginary friend Anne of Green Gables put it, “Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it.”           Every morning, every hour, every minute is a new chance.  Don’t dwell on the past.  Don’t worry about the future.  Be who you are right now.

          Can I let you in on a big secret?

          I don’t always like myself either.  I’ll say something awkward and then for days afterward I’ll beat myself up about it.  There are many days I look in the mirror and I hate what I see. 

          “Oh my word, did I really say that?  Come on, Rosie.  You can do better.”

          “Why did I have to suck my thumb for so long as a kid?  Now my teeth are crooked.  Ew…”

          “I can’t believe I was so rude to that person.”

          “What is wrong with me?”

          It was especially bad in middle school.  I guess that’s the time everyone gets it.  It’s the time you start to notice other people, and notice that they notice you.  You want to be noticed but you don’t want to stick out and sometimes you just want to be invisible unless you really want to be seen….

          It’s confusing.

          Life is that way.  And for that very reason we fear it.  We fear living to our full potential, because what if we fail at the exact moment everyone is looking at us?

          When that happens, we must remind ourselves that no one is perfect.  We must remember that life goes on. 
          So look in that mirror, and repeat after me:

          You are enough.  You are so enough.  It is unbelievable how enough you are.


From Lamentations 3

21 Yet this I call to mind     and therefore I have hope:

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,     for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning;     great is your faithfulness.